Friday, May 4, 2012

Good Fortune - Storyboard

My second film is due in less than 2 weeks. Yikes! This one had the same specs (20+ shots, 3-6 minutes long) but we could make it about ANYTHING!

With "Pirate Dream" I had let my resources drive the story. I had the Hinnen family, their street and all of their pirate gear. That seemed a no-brainer. But I can't do that for every film. What are my resources? What kind of story do I want to tell? Those two questions can't be answered the same for me. I had a great idea I was very excited about but would involve far too many locations and actors/extras. Maybe I'll shoot that one after the first semester.

It will all be done in voiceover since I don't have good audio equipment. That was the only other parameter I was keeping myself to. Eventually, I came up with the idea below.


Pirate Dream, The Movie

Here is my very first film! It follows the storyboard pretty well, with some adjustments. It turned out so much better than I could ever have hoped for. I got a PERFECT SCORE! 120 out of 120. Enjoy!