Monday, June 15, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
THURSDAY 6/18/09
6:00am - Alarm goes off. Sounds like a nuclear meltdown.
6:06am - Pull myself out of bed and start (slowly) getting ready.
6:20am - Wake up my husband for a ride to the subway; I take my first emergency anti-anxiety pill
6:30am - Kiss husband goodbye, descend into subway
6:35am - Buy ticket, descend further into subway
6:47am - Train arrives, and I realize it's still not even 7am yet when I see every other rider with their eyes closed and heads hung low. It's early for all of us.
6:52am - Getting more anxious and nauseous, feel like I might throw up, take my second emergency anti-anxiety pill... I'm going to be a complete zombie.
7:10am - Subway arrives at stop, confused as to where location is from subway exit. Spot a line across the street; go to there.
7:30am - Nobody in this long line has actually checked if this is for jury duty... but we're all still standing here...
7:47am - Line finally moves, through itself. Basically going in one big circle that eventually goes to a different place.
7:50am - Shuffle through security into jury assembly room; feels a bit like high school as people have been chatting in line and creating their own cliques, taking up sections of the room.
8:00am - Instructions begin on how to fill out the form that most people have already filled out; mentions if you want to postpone or get excused from duty for any reason, do it now. Methinks this is the time to explain my anxiety disorder.
8:10am - I'm out the door and walking, with another crowd that does not know where they're going, to a building across the street, top floor
8:25am - My number gets called by the lady who, obviously, has to do this every single day. She's nice enough considering. She does look like she came straight out of a mid-eighties Eddie Murphy film, though.
8:30am - After explaining my medical condition that, I think, makes me an unsuitable candidate for jury service, I am told there's nothing they can do. The gentleman was very nice though, explaining, "if you get called before a judge, just tell them what you told me"
8:35am - Exiting the building with a nice young woman, "So, you get to leave? Or do you have to go back?" she asked me. She was very sympathetic when I said I had to go back. I asked her the same and she explained that she's a diabetic and needs to monitor her blood sugar throughout the day, but she's not officially excused until she gets a doctors note. I then explain my anxiety/panic disorder and how my psychiatrist only signed it for a 6 month postponement because he doesn't want me to "be afraid to do common things", to which she replied "Damn red tape!" I like her!
8:45am - Go through security, again, and sneak back into the jury assembly room. A woman is at the mic explaining how jury service works. Everyone has badges and paperwork. I hate walking into the middle of a thing, I feel like I missed everything. I am entertained by the other people who also left to be excused walk back in, also denied. There's a whole handful of us.
8:55am - Got the badge and paperwork. Turns out I didn't miss much. That lady just likes to hear herself talk, I suppose. There are 5 PC's against a wall with internet access and free wi-fi in the room. Which is SUPER slow on my iphone. It's very nice of the court to supply all that though. Should've brought my laptop.
9:10am - Uh-oh. They're calling the first batch of names. I'm getting really nervous. If I make it through the day without getting called, then I don't have to come back & won't be summoned for at least 12 months... fingers are crossed... I don't want to have to explain my disorder to the judge and courtroom.
9:25am - **PHEW** Name not called in first batch, but the day ends at 4:30pm, so I'm not out of the woods, yet. Oh good! We're getting an official 15 minute coffee break. I haven't eaten anything since I got up at 6am & have 2 strong sedatives in my bloodstream. I think I'm also getting a migraine, but I can only deal with one problem at a time right now.
9:40am - Back in the assembly room from my Starbucks run. Bought a less than healthy, but comforting drink & pastry combo. I felt I deserved the treat. I finish the pastry rather quickly and begin nursing my mocha when everything hits me at once and I have a very hard time keeping my eyes open. The caffeine is having the adverse effect on me. I may have drank only half the mocha when I realized it safest to just throw it away instead of risking kicking it on the carpet or spilling it on myself. I'm also sandwiched in the row, so I wanted to make as few trips as possible.
9:45am - They've started a DVD on being a juror; how much fun it is and how important it is. I'm just trying to keep my eyes open.
10:15am - zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz
11:00am - Wha? Oh. Did I really just fall asleep? I know they'd started showing a second pro-jury-duty video, while I was trying to get in a cozy position with my eyes closed, but wow. Did not expect to fall asleep and wake up with my mouth agape. I wonder if I snored or talked in my sleep. I'm hot, I need water, and I want to check in with my husband, who, coincidentally sent me a text 7 minutes ago. Lucky for me, the snack bar is 2 ft away from the room. Got a water and hung out in the (much cooler) hallway, which had better cell service to boot. (more bars in more places my ass!)
11:30am - YAY! My hubby's coming down for my lunch break. We all get a lunch break from 12noon-1:30pm. There's only a half an hour left, what are they gonna do, call another group?
11:50am - Uh-oh... They're calling another group. Only this time, they're calling half of the room to report, after lunch, to a different courthouse 2 blocks away. Thank God they did not call my name. I didn't want to deal with new-place-anxiety. I was just getting comfortable with my anxiety in this place.
12noon - Yay again! I met my husband at the subway station across the street. Right on time! We had a lovely, relaxing lunch in the shade next to the Mark Taper Forum at the music center. Across the street was a beautiful, huge water fountain, which was calming. He also brought me my migraine medicine! I'm such a lucky girl! It was so wonderful to spend an hour & a half lunch with him. Cheered me up a bit. We walked over to the Disney Concert Hall (air-conditioned!!) & looked around the gift shop. We then walked back over to the courthouse to the grassy knoll between buildings and sat on a park bench in the shade. It made you feel like you weren't in the city at all. But alas, time is up. I walk him to the station & say goodbye. I'm much more sad than I thought I'd be. I'm gonna see him in a few hours! ...I guess we don't get as much calm, no-rush time outside of our normal days.
1:30pm - Back in the jury assembly room. All PC's are being used. Everyone's checking their Facebook accounts.
2:15pm - **YAWN** Half (or more) of the room is gone now. Before lunch I overheard a guy say that he was in the first group called, but counsel was arguing so much, that the judge told the prospective jurors to go back to the jury room. He left the room when I got back from lunch, so I assume they had to go back to the courtroom at 1:30pm. Minus those people & the people that had to go to the other courthouse, this room is looking rather sparse. I'd also heard the guy say that Monday around 2pm, they realized they weren't going to have anymore cases for the rest of the day, so they sent everyone home at 2pm... Now I'm looking at the clock too much! They'd told us during orientation that even if we get called to a judge & released from that jury, we have to come back to the jury room because we might be chosen for another judge.
2:20pm - A few new people on the computers than last time I looked... all on Facebook... seriously.
2:25pm - Oh! Someone might be on craigslist... yeah. Yeah, he is.
3:05pm - Someone came on the mic and just told everyone to come inside the room and sit down. "You might want to sit down because I have good news"
3:06pm - ... Waiting for the good news.....oh, court lady at the front of the room is smiling big....
3:08pm - Other lady, who likes to hear herself talk, gets on the mic and YES! END OF DAY! We don't have to come back for another 12 months! HOORAH!!! Now I've gotta get on that subway and head back to the home to sleep off the rest of this conscious-drug-coma.